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Kullanıcı: whataburger

Üyelik zamanı: 8 ay (since 15 Nisan 2024)
Tür: Kayıtlı kullanıcı
Tam adı: whataburger
Yüksek Lisans ve Doktora:
Site Adresi: https://whataburgermenu.info/
İlgilendiği Alan(lar):
Diğer Bilgiler: Whataburger is more than just a fast-food chain; it's a cultural institution, particularly in its home state of Texas. Founded in 1950 by Harmon Dobson and Paul Burton in Corpus Christi, Texas, Whataburger has grown from a single roadside burger stand to a beloved brand with a devoted following across the southern United States. What makes Whataburger stand out from the crowded fast-food landscape? It's a combination of its distinctive offerings, commitment to quality, and deep-rooted connection to its community.

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Puanları: 10 puan (4,870. sırada)
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Cevapları: 0All answers by whataburger ›
Yorumları: 0
Oyları: 0 soru, 0 cevap
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Aldığı Oylar: 0 artı oy, 0 eksi oy


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